Hotel Press Service: Distribution von Publikationen in Hotels Pensionen


In the room, lobby or spa

A special hotel devision can be targeted irrespective of whether your target demographic is travelling for business, sport, leisure or family reasons.

There are many different hotel options to chose from to display your product in the best way, such as:

Different types of hotels: eco-friendly, business, spa, family, design
Different ratings: 2-5 stars
Types of guest: business or pleasure
Gender: male or female
Location: regional, national or international

Our dedicated team workd closely with over 6000 national and international hotels from charming spa complexes to budget over-night business stops and exclusive five star luxury hotels.

Whether you would like your publication to be displayed in large quantities on a room to room basis, or smaler volumes for spas, waiting or public areas. GOLD KEY MEDIA Germany will create the most cost effective option based on your unique requirements.

Contact us for more infomation and we can create a suitable offer for your publication.


Gold Key Media Germany GmbH
Heinrich-Fuchs-Str. 96
D-69126 Heidelberg

Phone / Fax

T +49 (0) 62 21 / 3 39 39-0
F +49 (0) 62 21 / 3 39 39-39


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